Monday, February 12, 2007

The Vault

Peter Pan, Cinderella, Alice, Ariel, Pinocchio, Belle, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, the Lady, the Tramp, Merry Poppins, Even Bambi all have something in common. They've all done hard time in the vault. And what was their crime I ask you? I don't know. No one does. All we know is that these beloved figures have been sentenced to time in the dreaded vault. Some of them have done multiple sentences in the vault. They are the victims of the greed machine known as Disney. They are separated from their beloved fans for decades at a time. Forced to sit idly by in the cold steel of the vault while new, more technologically pixar infused features burrow their way into the hearts of America's children. When our sad heroes are finally released from prison, they are left to fend for themselves in a world where their fans have grown up. Some find love again but many just fade away into the $5.99 bins of big box media stores. Those of us who have kept their memories alive are forced to live at the mercy of the vault keepers. We speak in hushed tones of their suspected release dates,

"Did you hear about Bambi?"

"Shh they'll hear you!"

Whispering, "I hear Bambi gets out in three months."

"Are you serious? I thought Bambi was gone for good."

I'm almost risking too much by even talking about it. There are those of us who think it's time to act. Right now, somewhere, behind closed doors, meetings are being held. Plans are coming together. Someday soon, there's going to be a break out. When will it happen? If you don't know, no one will tell you. Just wait for the sign. You'll know it when you see it.

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