Tuesday, March 4, 2008

No More Fence Sitting

After several months of pondering the question of which Democratic presidential candidate to back, anotherblogaboutme.blogspot.com has decided to officially endorse:

Barack Obama.

It was a hard choice. Every minute seemed to cause the staff here to teeter one way or another. Senator Clinton is still cherished in our hearts as a beloved leader and champion of stuff, but we just can't get that catchy slogan out of heads! Yes we can! Really we can't, that was just us telling you the slogan in case you hadn't heard it. It's still there. We here at the blog support Senator Obama's position and strategy to cut out of the middle east. We support this decision because of the war between Venezuela and Columbia. This conflict is going to spiral out of control leaving Venezuela's oil stores open for the seizing. Since Venezuela is the closest OPEC nation to us geographically, it's only logical that we stop fighting in the middle east and head south of the border to Venezuela. In one fell swoop we could finally absorb all of Venezuela's oil supplies and corner the South American cocaine market too!
Admittedly we endorse this candidate at the expense of our pro climate change agenda, but we don't really believe any politician can do too much to alter the course we're already on in that front.
So it is with pleasure that we endorse Senator Obama for president and say, "Barack the vote!"


JP said...


Jake said...

Finally! A comment. That took forever.