Monday, March 31, 2008

Black River Contractors

My new professional rates as a contractor are as follows:

I charge $13.00 per hour. This must be paid in advance and can be paid in the form of cash, paypal, or equipment equal in value.

Satisfaction guaranteed.


Gumby said...

It is funny that you had this ad on your blog because I am in need of a contractor to do contractor stuff for me. Where can I send my cash? By the way, how is everything? It has been forever since we have heard anything from you guys (mostly our fault. I know). We move a lot, but since we joined the military we have settled down a whole bunch. Congratulations on Styer the third. I had a dream it was a least tell Jamie that. Anyway, I'm glad your wife found my wife so I can feast upon your vast wisdom and insights. I enjoy your blog.

Anonymous said...

emm.. thank you for this post!