Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Water World

Recent talk about global warming has brought to my memory the film "Water World." In the opening scene of the movie it shows a computer model of the world with an animation, showing both polar ice caps melting. This melting causes the world to be flooded.

As a result people grow gills, can breath under water, and ride totally sweet jet skis. I rest my case, global warming is awesome. Even Hollywood agrees, global warming isn't going to kill us. It's going to force us to evolve. And if that evolution means, growing gills, breathing underwater, and riding totally sweet jet skis, then count me in! Sure there will be some growing pains. Fear of swimming and sharks is one of the largest phobias known to man. But global warming and the subsequent inevitable flooding of the earth will only serve to help people overcome their fears of swimming and sharks.

Another benefit to global flooding? Every week becomes Shark Week on Discovery Channel! It can't get much better than that! I bet that man, being the dominant creature it is, will quickly get to work domesticating sharks for use as the man's new "best friend."

So let's review kids: Global warming is good. Why is it good? Because it will force the inevitable flooding of the earth, forcing the human race to evolve into an incredible race of gill wearing, under water breathing, totally sweet jet ski riding people who have pet sharks. Why are we debating this? It's happening and I couldn't be happier!

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