Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Cold Pop Corn

I love popcorn. Every time I go to a movie I have to get a bag of $5.00 popcorn. It's gotten to the point where it's no longer a habit but more of a compulsion. I tried to resist it the other night but just as I got up to the counter to buy my wife a drink, they unleashed a fresh batch of authentic movie theatre popcorn. It was too much. I bought a bag and revelled in the buttery freshness.

I have to eat popcorn when I watch a movie at home too. But home popcorn is different than movie theatre popcorn. No matter how much they may claim that it tastes just like movie theatre popcorn, it never does and never will. I have accepted that though and come up with my own solution.

Whenever I pop popcorn I immediately take it out of the microwave, open the bag, and then place it in the fridge. That's right people. The fridge. After ten minutes, the popcorn has cooled and is starting to get stale. This takes it as close as I can get to movie theatre quality. I don't know why I like it cold I just do. Jamie has seen me do this and thinks it is completely weird. She's right about this. It is completely weird. But I do weird things (See AI07 Confession for example).

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