No, you are not reading this wrong. I support global warming. Global warming has been in the fore front of the media for several years now. It seems like everyday brings with it another celebrity endorsement of the war against climate change. Public radio and National Geographic has been producing a year long special on climate change which seems to air every morning. Al Gore and a group of less famous United Nations personnel have just received the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to educate and combat climate change.
These activists; celebrities and scientists; attack the fossil fuel industry, the republican party, and anyone not party to their beliefs of being immoral and just plain evil. Al Gore has often referred to climate change as a world wide moral dilemma. But after years of hearing the rhetoric from the scientists, celebrities, and journalists I have made a few observations.
These are the same individuals and organizations who also lament the growing world population and have worked their hardest to slow the growth of the human population down by supporting late term abortions, government policies (both institutional and overt) that would limit the amount of children born each year, and in some cases, even De facto genocide. So naturally those who oppose population growth oppose the green house effect.
Why do they oppose the natural process of Earth's adaptation to it's human population's size and wastes?
How do we know that the climate we currently enjoy is the optimum climate for humans to thrive in?
Who is to say that whatever the climate changes to is necessarily bad for human existence?
It seems like the scientific community and the American entertainment industry have made a lot of assumptions about our current state of affairs.
It's true that the human population is growing and will continue to do so. These opponents of climate change fear that the population is growing too large for the planet's ability to provide food. But what they're missing is that the planet is changing it's climate so that it can provide more food for its inhabitants! Have you ever been inside a green house? It's one of the most fertile places on the planet. And now the Earth is turning into a greenhouse. How wonderful is that? Soon our planet will be a wonderful greenhouse full of fertile soil capable of providing enough food for our ever growing population. This has to be the most convenient truth ever told and I welcome its arrival.
Join the fight to support global warming. This coming Monday will be designated as "Drive your SUV the long way to work day." That's right, we need to do all we can to promote global warming and climate change. Do your part and drive to work. Buses are for Communists. Drive long and drive loud!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Putin, Chavez, Political Coups, and Legislating From the Console

Today amid discussions of Putin, Chavez and brinksmanship, TenneC coined the phrase, "legislating from the console." I just had to document that in order to guarantee credit where credit is due.
Activist dispatchers be warned.
The internet is a cornfield; where ever you are, you're surrounded by ears.
Activist dispatchers be warned.
The internet is a cornfield; where ever you are, you're surrounded by ears.
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